Candidates for President/Vice President

Elections for ASDA's next Executive Committee, including the President, two Vice Presidents, and the Speaker of the House, will take place at Annual Session. Delegates will have the opportunity to hear from the candidates, discuss with their caucus, and cast votes.

Tyler Jenness
Tyler-JennessIowa ‘26

For me, ASDA represents more than just an organization–it is a community that has profoundly shaped me as a person and my dental school experience. My ASDA journey started at my first District 8 Conference my D1 year, where I formed lifelong friendships with dental students from across the region. I have since become more aware of the ASDA’s incredible programming, resources, and advocacy efforts. But, it is truly the community that ASDA provides that keeps me motivated to enhance our association and expand member engagement. I owe so much to the leaders who have built ASDA into what it is today, and I am committed to continuing its legacy of excellence while broadening the sense of community in our growing organization.

Advocacy is what fueled ASDA’s founders and it continues to be what makes ASDA impactful. While ASDA’s community drew me in, it's the advocacy efforts that have kept me inspired. I had the privilege of serving as one of ASDA’s voting members at the ADA House of Delegates, where I saw firsthand how ASDA’s voice can influence one of the largest dental associations in the world. I was struck by the number of ADA delegates who sought ASDA’s input on a multitude of policies. As ASDA continues to grow its membership, I believe it is important our association explores at having a stronger voice in shaping our profession. Our voices are as important as ever as dental associations help influence policies that can either directly impact dental students, such as tuition or licensure requirements, and our future profession.

As ASDA continues to grow, it is imperative we continue investigating ways we can further strengthen local chapters–the hear of our association. Most member engagement begins and takes place at the local level, and we need resources that cater to chapters at all stages–whether they are brand new chapter developing programming or an established chapter looking to reinvigorate their membership. Redistricting presents a unique opportunity to enhance the connection between National ASDA leadership and chapter presidents. Providing training to district trustees and equipping them with appropriate resources will allow them to effective liaisons and ensure chapters feel supported and connected.

Through community, advocacy, and collaboration, I am committed to advancing ASDA’s mission and ensuring every ASDA member feels empowered to shape their dental school experience and future in our profession.


Tyler Jenness Short Answer Questions

Tyler Jenness CV

Golzar Pahlevani
Golzar-PahlevaniNova Southeastern ’26

As a candidate for ASDA Vice President or President, my platform centers on three key priorities: accessibility, advocacy, and financial sustainability. These issues are critical to the success of dental students, and I am committed to addressing them in a way that empowers every member of ASDA.

  1. Accessibility to Conferences and Events

    Conferences are a vital part of the ASDA experience, offering opportunities for leadership development, networking, and professional growth. However, for many students, the cost of attending these events can be prohibitive. As ASDA National President, I will work closely with the events and financial teams to make these conferences more accessible to all dental students. This may involve exploring ways to reduce conference costs, increasing our budget for scholarships, and identifying creative solutions to support students who may face financial barriers. Every dental student should have the opportunity to attend ASDA conferences and benefit from the leadership, mentorship, and networking these events provide.

  2. Advocacy and Student Engagement

    Advocacy is one of ASDA’s core functions, and it is vital that we provide dental students with the tools and opportunities to get involved. I propose creating a mini-advocacy series that highlights current issues in dentistry, explains the role of policy in shaping our education and profession, and empowers students to engage in grassroots efforts to drive change. This initiative will help dental students understand how they can make a tangible impact on issues that matter to them, from student debt to educational policies. By engaging students in advocacy, we can ensure that ASDA continues to be a strong, united voice for dental education and the future of the profession.

  3. Financial Sustainability and Debt Management

    The increasing cost of dental education and the burden of student debt are among the most pressing issues facing dental students. As ASDA President, I will advocate for policies that address these challenges, including increasing loan repayment options, promoting financial literacy programs, and exploring initiatives to make dental education more affordable. I will also work with national stakeholders to create long-term solutions that help reduce the financial strain on dental students, ensuring that we can focus on our education and professional growth without the looming concern of overwhelming debt.

My experience in ASDA has prepared me to lead on a national level. As NSU ASDA President, I have successfully built a strong, motivated team that helped achieve the highest conference attendance to date and organized the most engaging ASDA Fever Week. We also reallocated our budget to prioritize student attendance at key events and revived a popular Winter Formal. These successes were made possible by fostering a collaborative, inclusive environment, and I am committed to applying the same leadership approach nationally.

My vision for ASDA is one where every dental student has the resources and support they need to succeed. By focusing on accessibility, advocacy, and financial sustainability, I will ensure that ASDA remains a powerful force for positive change in dental education and the dental profession.


Golzar Pahlevani Short Answer Questions

Golzar Pahlevani CV

Payal Patel
Payal-PatelArizona ‘26

As I reflect on my ASDA journey, I am reminded of where it all started for me - my first National Lobby Day as a D1. Stepping into those sessions with rooms filled with accomplished professionals, I initially felt out of place – unsure if my voice belonged. However, as I looked around the room, it dawned on me that not many of those doctors looked like me. In that moment, something changed. It became my turning point. It had ignited my passion for advocacy, something I never saw myself being a part of. It strengthened my commitment to inclusivity and solidified my determination to ensure every dental student felt that they belonged and that their voices mattered.

This year, I had the unique opportunity to engage with every level of ASDA’s tripartite system, from being my local ASDA Co-President to District 10 Trustee, to the national board of trustees and council on membership. These experiences have uniquely equipped me to understand the diverse perspectives, challenges and strengths within our organization. As we approach this exciting yet critical period of redistricting, I am committed to making Communication a cornerstone of my platform. Transparency, active listening, and collaboration are vital in maintaining ASDA’s unity and continued success during this transition. By fostering trust and bridging the gaps between chapters, districts, and national leadership, I hope to ensure that member’s voices are heard and that every leader in this tripartite is supported. In addition to communication, I am committed to addressing two more critical issues affecting dental students: diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) and nutrition/food insecurity.

DEI is essential for not only creating space where students from all backgrounds are represented but also to improve how we serve our patients as dental professionals. By advancing DEI initiatives, we can create more space for representation and equitable opportunities. Further empowering dental students to develop professionally while also improving patient care.

Nutrition and food insecurity are often overlooked yet a critical part of wellness for dental students. With limited financial resources and time constraints due to a rigorous course-load it can make it difficult for students to access nutritious meals, further increasing stress and reducing energy levels which negatively affects their academic success and patient care. I hope to address this issue through leveraging our ASDA Membership to include benefits from food or nutrition companies as well as creating initiatives as well as providing resources to help dental students access affordable food and groceries.

If given the opportunity to be National President, I hope to address these critical issues with transparency, collaboration, and a commitment to inclusivity in order to empower dental students and foster a stronger ASDA.


Payal Patel Short Answer Questions

Payal Patel CV

Darius Warner
Darius-WarnerIndiana ‘26

When I started dental school at Indiana University, I had no idea what ASDA Fever was or how it would change my life. My first ASDA district conference in Itasca, IL, was a pivotal moment. Walking into the conference, I was nervous and unsure of what to expect. As I connected with fellow students, dental professionals, DSOs, DPOs, and ADA members, something clicked... the fever clicked. Through genuine connections and networking, I participated in an externship using CAD/CAM technologies to mill same-day crowns, and for the first time. Something I would not have sought out to do in my undergraduate years at a career fair. I felt a natural sense of belonging and purpose professionally. That’s when I realized I had caught ASDA Fever.

This newfound fever inspired me to take on leadership roles within ASDA. As president-elect of our local chapter, I faced the recurring question, "What is ASDA?" Determined to provide an answer, I collaborated with our pre-dental chair to create local chapter undergraduate ASDA positions on pre-dental club boards across Indiana. Later, as District 7 Trustee, I expanded this initiative throughout the Midwest, hosting our first pilot district joint pre-dental conference. The event welcomed 45 pre-dental students from across the Midwest and neighboring regions, ensuring they entered dental school with a strong understanding of ASDA's opportunities.

Advocacy has been at the heart of my ASDA journey. As District 7 Trustee, I’ve represented our organization in obtaining perspective sponsors, in boardrooms, and at the ADA. My dedication to diversity, equity, inclusion, and fiscal responsibility allowed me to operate in roles on the ASDA Conference Fees Task Force, Advocacy, as the ADA Student D&I Representative, and with the ADA Foundation Financial Cabinet. I understand that financial barriers often limit participation in ASDA’s transformative events, and I am committed to addressing these challenges through strategic conference planning and restructuring.

Every chapter deserves the tools to succeed. Thus, I have advocated for continued standardization and drafted framework for chapter preparations to allow our presidents to prepare and lead effectively.

Mental health and financial burdens are pressing issues for dental students, and I am committed to exploring solutions from advocating for reduced mental health services for students to addressing the rising costs of dental education. I will work tirelessly to support our members and for our organization. Leadership, to me, means fostering collaboration and unity through effective delegation, clear communication, and inclusivity.

ASDA has given me more than I could have ever imagined. It has shaped me into a confident leader, equipped with the skills to serve our community. As President, I promise to bring this undying flame and infectious fever into everything that I do, working to advance ASDA's mission and empower all dental students. Together, we can build on ASDA’s legacy and drive progress for the future of our profession.

Thank you,
Darius Warner


Darius Warner Short Answer Questions

Darius Warner CV

Candidates for Speaker of the House

Bree Zhang