National ASDA provides various resources and tools to help you run your ASDA chapter effectively. Review these resources throughout the year and connect with national ASDA at for questions.     



Best Practices: Working with School Administration: Developing a good relationship with your dental school administration can lead to important benefits for the chapter including increased member engagement and greater school support. This guide is available as a PowerPoint or PDF and should be used by the Executive Committee of your ASDA chapter.  

Chapter How-To Guides: ASDA developed guides on various topics to assist chapters. These guides provide the steps involved in organizing an event and project ideas from other ASDA chapters. View all the how-to guides here.

Lunch and Learns: ASDA created a position paper on the importance of having lunch and learns. This paper can be used as a resource when speaking with administration about the benefits of holding lunch and learns for students.

Chapter Waiver: When holding chapter events that hold high risk, participants should sign a waiver to prevent liability against your ASDA chapter or national ASDA.

Membership: Learn more about the benefits of ASDA membership, tools to recruit and engage members, and the ASDA membership process. 

Position Descriptions: Find positions descriptions for your chapter. Be sure to share these descriptions with the people serving in these positions so they understand their responsibilities.

Organizational Structure: This diagram shows the structure of ASDA and how the board, councils, editorial board and other national leaders work together.

Contact ASDA: Contact a member of the ASDA central office staff or the Executive Committee.