Service Month 2025 Web Banner (1)

Every January, ASDA celebrates its commitment to community service and dental outreach. This year’s theme was Growing in Service.

Service Month Webinars

Did you miss your opportunity to learn more about growing in service? View the recordings anytime anywhere!

Service Above Self – Leading Through Community Service

Community service comes in many shapes and sizes. This course discusses essential tools and strategies for planning successful community service projects. From identifying community needs to setting clear goals, creating actionable plans, and engaging stakeholders, explore practical insights on how to make a meaningful impact.

View the Recording

Clinical Community Service

Wondering how you can stay involved with community service after dental school? In this session you'll hear from dentists who have made a huge impact in their communities by volunteering their time and expertise.

View the Recording

Challenge Accepted

Our Incisor, Canine, and Molar- level challenges involve students on the individual, chapter, and community level.

Challenge - Incisor badge

The Incisor-Level Challenge: Sign up for information

This is an opportunity to get involved as an individual. Email us a screenshot of your confirmation page signing up to receive information from a local or national volunteer organization, and you will be entered to win one of 10 Amazon gift cards. Consider national organizations like Volunteer Match or AmeriCorps, or any local volunteer organization. Email a screenshot of your confirmation to to be entered.

Challenge - Canine badge

The Canine-Level Challenge: Chapters in Action

The chapter that collects and donates the most items (for example: clothing or non-perishable food items) wins a custom award. Chapter leaders will be sent a link to submit total donations at the end of the month.

Challenge - Molar badge

The Molar-Level Challenge: In the Community

Any activity that gets your chapter into the community qualifies for this challenge. This could include serving food at a homeless shelter, volunteering with a local refugee program, educating underserved children about oral health, and more. Tag @dentalstudents and use #ASDAServiceMonth to be entered to win one of 5 Amazon gift cards. 1 event post = 1 entry. Tag us in multiple events throughout the month for multiple entries.

Week of Service photo collage

Ways to participate in community service:  

Using your hands
  • Create oral health instruction materials and/or oral hygiene bags for homeless shelters or local schools.
  • Knit or crochet panels that will be sewn together to create blankets for babies and adults through Warm Up America.
  • Make hats for senior citizens, premature babies or the homeless.
  • Make birthday cards for kids in homeless shelters.
  • Sew masks for high-risk individuals.
  • Foster a pet.
Using your smarts
  • Serve as a tutor for middle or high school students.
  • Transcribe historical documents for the Smithsonian.
  • Proofread e-books through Project Gutenberg.
  • Help Harvard researchers learn the best ways to breakdown stereotypes by taking tests with Project Implicit.
In the local community
  • Help build or clean your community park or garden.
  • Deliver a hot meal to someone in need.
  • Volunteer at a local animal shelter.
  • Collect or organize books for a local library.
  • Write letters to seniors in local care facilities.
Refer to the Community Service how-to guide for even more event ideas.
