ASDA holds meetings throughout the year to educate members on issues facing the dental profession and provide opportunities to meet students from different dental schools. We encourage you to attend meetings to learn more about ASDA and maximize the benefits of your membership. View a schedule of ASDA meetings.

National Leadership Conference

NLC-logo-RGBIn school, dental students receive in-depth training in the clinical aspects of dentistry. Upon graduation, they leave with the technical skills needed to be good dentists. However, the life skills they need to be successful managers, team leaders and business owners may not always be developed. 

ASDA’s National Leadership Conference provides personal and professional development opportunities to dental students across all years. Attendees create customized schedules from over 45 breakout sessions for a learning experience specific to their interests.

Save the Date: November 8-10, 2024

Annual Session


Annual Session is the official meeting of ASDA’s House of Delegates. Attendees from every U.S. dental school gather to vote on association policy, elect officers and determine the association’s priorities for the coming year.

Beyond the business of the association, it’s an opportunity to network with your peers and gain leadership skills. Attendees also have the opportunity to meet with industry partners and vendors at our Dental Expo!

Save the Date: February 28-March 2, 2025

ADA Dentist and Student Lobby Day

ADA_DSLD_Logo_RGBDuring ADA Dentist and Student Lobby Day, students visit Capitol Hill to advocate on behalf of themselves and their patients. This unique experience gives ASDA members the opportunity to meet with lawmakers and staff to discuss the issues that will impact the education and training of dental students and future dentists.

ADA Dentist and Student Lobby Day attendees receive a full day of training on the issues and policies that are up for discussion with lawmakers and their staffs. For the first time in 2017, ASDA members and ADA member dentists joined forces and lobbied as a unified front in Washington. In addition to conducting congressional meetings, attendees networked with and learned from experienced practitioners throughout the meeting.

Save the Date: March 30 - April 1, 2025