Building Coalitions
ASDA is a founding member of the Coalition for Modernizing Dental Licensure (CMDL). The mission is to ensure patient safety, increase access to care, and promote professional mobility by modernizing the dental licensure process. There are over 120 coalition member and supporter organizations, which are national, state and local organizations and agencies committed to and actively engaged in advancing the mission and goals of the Coalition.
The Coalition's two major goals include:
- To eliminate single-encounter, procedure-based patient examinations, replacing them with clinical assessments that have stronger validity and reliability evidence.
- To increase licensure portability to allow for professional mobility and improved access to care
How it works:
- The state legislature must adopt the compact language (presented in the form of a bill).
- Once a state adopts the bill, they are part of the compact.
- The dentist must apply for compact privileges to practice in a participating state.
The DDH compact will take effect once 7 states join. As of December 2023, legislation has been adopted in 3 states: Iowa, Washington and Tennessee.
View states' current status and learn more about the compact