ASDA Fever Week and New Student Orientation Resources and Support

It’s time to kick-off the 2024-2025 Membership Year! Below are materials and resources for your chapter to use during your ASDA Fever Week and Orientation Events. Use these materials to engage, inform and recruit members. Informed members equal engaged members. The 2025 membership year opens September 4, 2024.

Share the ASDA Fever Week Video

We are excited to provide your chapter with a brand-new video created by the Council on Communications showing what it’s like to be an ASDA member and get your members excited about the year!  

Plan to show this video to all chapter members during your ASDA Fever Weeks, Welcome Weeks and Orientations.

View the video


ASDA Fever Week How to Guide

Hosting your ASDA Fever Week is key to opening students’ eyes to all the great benefits and opportunities available in ASDA and getting them involved in your chapter early!

Check out the Guide


ASDA Presentation Template

Use this presentation template to provide your members an overview of ASDA and the benefits of membership. You can personalize the presentations as needed to fit your chapter. Make sure you add your upcoming events and opportunities to get involved.

Download this ASDA Presentation


Fever Week Challenge

Your chapter will be able to share your successful Fever Week events through the ASDA Fever Week Challenge. Once your Fever Weeks are over submit your applications. The top three chapters will win $500!

Learn More & Apply


Share your Fever Week Success!

Post your favorite Fever Week memory using a post like “I have a filling this post is going to get a lot of likes!" #FeverBeliever #FeverWeekFillings #GotASDAFever #FeverWeek2024

Statements to Promote ASDA

Statements to Promote ASDA Consider these statements to promote the value of membership and train your leaders to use them in one-on-one conversations.

  • ASDA is the largest national organization representing dental students. ASDA has a chapter at every dental school in the US and Puerto Rico.
  • National ASDA has programming on community service, wellness, advocacy and leadership. You will see initiatives in these areas and ways to get involved through our chapter.
  • Membership in ASDA provides you a voice to shape ASDA’s advocacy efforts and policies.
  • ASDA helps you gain the skills you need to be a leader in the profession.
  • ASDA membership includes an ADA student membership.