Hometown: Lee’s Summit, MO

Chapter: University of Missouri- Kansas City

Graduation Year: 2025

Position Held At Chapter: President


How has ASDA helped you build your leadership skills?
The opportunity to serve as the ASDA president has strengthened my abilities to become an advocate for my community and voice for my classmates. At the start of the 2023 ASDA Lobby Day, I was eager to learn from different perspectives of the attendees and conference speakers. It reminded me of the importance of being a purposeful listener in order to expand my knowledge on policies and experiences that I had not known before. ASDA inspires me to collaborate with my peers in order to take action on ways to improve dental policies and patient care for the present and the future. 

What do you think is the most vital quality in a leader?
Purpose can be the most vital quality in a leader. Finding purpose provides a strong guide to making the best decisions for your team. When you have purpose, your decisions and actions become more meaningful. Purpose is rooted in giving a reason why. It breeds passion which in turn fuels others in the team to find their purpose. As a leader, it is your job to exemplify the true values to bring out success in the team. When a leader has purpose, it instills their passion into others; it allows the team to effectively work towards a common mission. By acting with purpose, a leader can be more intentional with their actions to listen, communicate, and engage with the team. 

Why should members get involved with ASDA leadership positions?
ASDA is a key organization that shape dental students to become servant leaders and compassionate clinicians for our patients. Dental school is a rigorous time in our career, yet ASDA provides us with the resources to support and prepare us for our futures. It is important to soak up every opportunity to grow as a future dentist. Leadership positions within ASDA offers students the opportunity to network with others from across the country to share our experiences and learn from one another.

What future leadership roles in organized dentistry interest you and why?
In the future, I see myself seeking a role that allows me to serve my community, advocate for greater accessibility, and connect with local dentists. I also hope to serve as an educator who partners with varying healthcare practices and organizations in order to educate the importance of oral care.