- Publication format is 9” x 10.75”
- All in-issue ads must be submitted in PDF/X-1a:2001 format with NO bleeds or crop marks
- Ad options appear below:

Two-page spread
18” x 10.875”
Cover II (inside front)
9” x 10.875”
Cover III (inside back)
9” x 10.875”

Full page
9” x 10.875”

1/2-page horizontal
9” x 5.25”

1/3-page vertical
5” x 10.875”

Presentation page:
- Placement is opposite the front cover.
- Links, audio, video and animation can be added to page.
9” x 10.875,” PDF, RGB, 200 dpi minimum resolution, embedded fonts, flattened transparencies, no masked text

Interstitial ad:
- Ad slides up in front of the reader, requiring them to click through in order to access content.
- Links, audio, video and animation can be added to this page.
9” x 10.875,” PDF, RGB, 200 dpi minimum resolution, embedded fonts, flattened transparencies, no masked text.
Video specs
Audio and video must be in MP4 format:
- Recommended bit-rate is between 300kb/s - 700kb/s
- Recommended height is 600px or smaller to fit most screens (1024px x 600px or smaller)
- File size must be less than 100mb, and have a play length of 1 second or more
- NOTE: The digital edition has BOTH page-replica and text articles, with different specs.
- MP4 can be used on BOTH page and text articles.
Embed Streaming Video:
Provide YouTube URL or Vimeo URL.
Note: Streaming video views or plays are not recorded in our Thermostats Analytics reporting suite. Streaming video analytics are only available from the streaming platform used to host the video.
Embed MP4 Video:
Video must be uploaded in either MP4 video format with the following requirements:
- Bitrate - The recommended bitrate is between 300kb/s and 700kb/
- File Size - The maximum file size for a video is 100MB.
- Duration - Videos must have a duration of 1 second or more.
- Audio Codec - The only supported audio codec for FLV files is MP3.
- Video Codec - MP4 files must use the H.264 or x264 codecs for video and the AAC or MP3 codecs for audio.
Text articles
mp4 link format:

YouTube/Vimeo link format:

- mp4 video files cannot be uploaded directly into the text article interface. They will first need to be hosted on a web server in order to generate the URL necessary to embed the video into this interface.
- Streaming video views or plays are not recorded in our Thermostats Analytics reporting suite. Streaming video analytics are only available from the streaming platform used to host the video.
Artwork due according to schedule below and must be sent to CorporateRelations@asdanet.org: