Understanding Student Loan Repayment and Residency Loans

March 11, 2025 at 7:00 PM

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Learn how to navigate the complexities of student loan repayment and explore residency loan options. Participants will gain an understanding of federal and private loan repayment, forgiveness programs and budgeting strategies to manage student loan debt effectively.

Join us to build confidence in managing your education debt and helping to secure your financial future.


At the conclusion of this session, participants will be able to:

  1. Understand repayment of federal and private student loans
  2. Determine if extending repayment, consolidating, or refinancing student loans is a good option
  3. Decide if a residency loan is a consideration
  4. Utilize newly learned strategies and tips for successfully repaying student loans

Jeffrey Recker

Jeff Recker head shotJeffrey Recker is an Assistant Vice President, Campus Relations Manager at PNC Bank Student Lending. He has twenty-five years’ experience in helping students and their families navigate the complexities of financing higher education. 

Jeff is also versed in financial literacy and is mindful of long-term success both in and beyond the classroom. Jeff is a frequent presenter at various financial aid conferences across the country.


Stephen Elias

Steve Elias HSStephen Elias is an Assistant Vice President, Campus Relations Manager at PNC Bank Student Lending. He brings extensive expertise in guiding students and their families through the complexities of financing higher education. With a strong foundation in financial aid and student lending, he possesses a unique blend of technical knowledge and personal insight into the financing needs of students at every stage of their academic journey.

With a passion for education and financial literacy, Stephen is dedicated to creating a seamless and supportive experience for students and their families, helping to lay the foundation for long-term success both in and beyond the classroom. He has conducted various presentations at national, state, and regional financial aid conferences across the country.



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