ASDA is hosting virtual chapter idea exchanges aimed at helping chapters navigate the COVID-19 crisis. In this interactive session for chapter leaders, you will discover how to build #ASDAfever by taking it virtual. Share ideas for how to build member engagement through virtual programming and determine the next steps for your chapter.
Learning Objectives
At the conclusion of this session, participants will be able to:
- Create virtual sessions that foster member engagement.
- Strategize how to promote their virtual events.
- Consider methods to incentivize participation.
- Collect and review feedback for future events.
Please note:
All ASDA chapter leaders are eligible to attend. Registration will be limited.
ASDA may audio and/or video record this session. Your attendance constitutes your consent for ASDA to use these recordings for ASDA purposes.

Kate McPherson, North Carolina ’20; 2019-20 Chair, Council on Advocacy