The Executive Committee consists of the president, two vice presidents, the speaker of the house and the executive director (ASDA staff). Committee members are elected by ASDA delegates at Annual Session to serve a year-long term. 

The president chairs the Board of Trustees which oversees the development and implementation of the association strategic plan and approves the annual budget. The president serves as chair of the Executive Committee, which is responsible for managing association business between meetings of the Board of Trustees.

The speaker of the house presides over the House of Delegates business meetings at Annual Session.

The two vice presidents and the speaker of the house serve as members of the Board of Trustees and the Executive Committee. 

2025-26 Executive Committee

  • President Payal Patel, Arizona ‘26
  • Vice President Tyler Jenness, Iowa ’26
  • Vice President Darius Warner, Indiana ’26
  • Speaker of the House Bree Zhang, Columbia ’27

Required meetings for President

Required meetings for Vice Presidents

Required meetings for Speaker of the House


Term Length: Annual Session 2025 - Annual Session 2026

Eligibility Requirements

  1. Must be an active predoctoral member at the time of application and throughout the term of office.
  2. Should serve at least one year in a national leadership position.
  3. Must be able to attend all required meetings and conference calls when necessary.
  4. Will complete projects or resolutions assigned by the House of Delegates. 
  5. Must be able to complete assignments and responsibilities by established deadlines.
  6. Assumes the position of Immediate Past President at the end of term of office.

Required Meetings

Please refer to the PDF schedule listed above for all required meetings for President.


Strategic oversight

  • Monitors strategic plan goals. 
  • Chairs all meetings of the Board of Trustees and Executive Committee.

Financial oversight

  • Approves association budget. 
  • Reviews quarterly financial reports and monitors progress. 

Council and committee oversight

  • Mentors trustees and council chairs as assigned.
  • Serves on councils and committees as assigned.
  • Monitors the work of councils and committees.
  • Approves new council or committee initiatives. 
  • Appoints national leaders and other leadership positions as necessary. 

Strategic relationships oversight

  • Builds relationships with leaders in organized dentistry.
  • Serves as official ASDA spokesperson.
  • Serves as liaison to related allied, governmental and dental organizations and provides testimony on behalf of ASDA when called upon to do so.
  • Communicates ASDA's goals to trustees, chairs, delegates and members.

Executive oversight

  • Conducts, along with the Executive Committee, the executive director's annual performance review.

Vice President

Term Length: Annual Session 2025 - Annual Session 2026

Eligibility Requirements

  1. Must be an active predoctoral member at the time of application and throughout the term of office.
  2. Must be able to attend all required meetings and conference calls when necessary.
  3. Will complete projects or resolutions assigned by the House of Delegates. 
  4. Must be able to complete assignments and responsibilities by established deadlines.
  5. Experience serving in another leadership position is strongly preferred.

Required Meetings

Please refer to the PDF schedule listed above for all required meetings for Vice Presidents.


Strategic oversight

  • Monitors strategic plan goals. 

Financial oversight

  • Approves association budget. 
  • Reviews quarterly financial reports and monitors progress. 

Council and committee oversight

  • Mentors trustees and council chairs as assigned.
  • Serves on councils and committees as assigned.
  • Monitors the work of councils and committees. 
  • Approves new council or committee initiatives. 
  • Appoints national leaders and other leadership positions as necessary. 

Strategic relationships oversight

  • Builds relationships with leaders in organized dentistry.
  • Serves as official ASDA spokesperson when requested by the president.
  • Serves as liaison to related allied, governmental and dental organizations and provides testimony on behalf of ASDA when called upon to do so by the president.
  • Communicates ASDA's goals to trustees, chairs, delegates and members.

Executive oversight

  • Conducts, along with the Executive Committee, the executive director's annual performance review.
Speaker of the House

Term Length: Annual Session 2025 - Annual Session 2026

Eligibility Requirements

  1. Must be an active predoctoral member at the time of application and throughout the term of office.
  2. Will complete projects or resolutions assigned by the House of Delegates.
  3. Must be able to attend all required meetings and conference calls when necessary.
  4. Must be able to complete assignments and responsibilities by established deadlines.
  5. Experience serving in another national leadership position is strongly preferred.

Required Meetings

Please refer to the PDF schedule listed above for all required meetings for the Speaker of the House. 


House of Delegates management

  • Instructs delegates about the rules and procedures of the House of Delegates.
  • Informs delegates and members of the association about the actions taken in fulfillment of the directives of the resolutions adopted by the House of Delegates.
  • Determines the order of business for each House of Delegates meeting.
  • Appoints and coordinates reference committees and delegate reviewers at the House of Delegates.
  • Coordinates Executive Committee and speaker elections at ASDA Annual Session.

Board of Trustees

  • Monitors strategic plan goals. 
  • Provides feedback on the budget. 
  • Reviews quarterly financial reports and monitors progress. 
  • Provides feedback on the appointment of national leaders.
  • Monitors the work of all council and committee members. 
  • Serves on Governance Committee. 
  • Serves as a non-voting member of the Board of Trustees and Executive Committee.

Strategic relationships oversight

  • Builds relationships with leaders in organized dentistry.
  • Serves as official ASDA spokesperson when requested by the president.
  • Serves as liaison to related allied, governmental and dental organizations and provides testimony on behalf of ASDA when called upon to do so by the president.
  • Communicates ASDA's goals to trustees, chairs, delegates and members.

Executive oversight

  • Conducts, along with the Executive Committee, the executive director's annual performance review.