Trustees are selected by delegates from each district at ASDA Annual Session to serve a year-long term. The trustee guides chapters in their district and is the official liaison between the local chapters, the district and national ASDA. Each district trustee serves as a member of the Board of Trustees.

District Trustee

Term Length: Annual Session 2025 - Annual Session 2026

Eligibility Requirements

  1. Must be an active predoctoral member at the time of application and throughout the term of office.
  2. Must be able to attend all required meetings listed below and conference calls when necessary.
  3. Will complete projects or resolutions assigned by the House of Delegates. 
  4. Must be able to complete assignments and responsibilities by established deadlines.

Required Meetings

  • All Board of Trustees Meetings
  • February 28 – March 2, 2025: In-person ASDA Annual Session (Kansas City, MO)
  • March 22-23, 2025: In-person Board of Trustees Meeting (Chicago, IL)
  • March 29-April 1, 2025: In-person ADA Dentist and Student Lobby Day (Washington, D.C.)
  • April 26-27, 2025: In-person Spring Council and Board of Trustees Meeting (Chicago, IL)
  • July 26-27, 2025: Board of Trustees Meeting (Virtual)
  • September 20-21, 2025: Fall Council and Board of Trustees Meeting (Virtual)
  • October 25-28, 2025: In-person ADA Annual Session (Washington, D.C.)
  • November 21-23, 2025: In-person National Leadership Conference (Chicago, IL)
  • January 23-25, 2026: In-person Board of Trustees Meeting (Chicago, IL)
  • February 6-8, 2026: In-person ASDA Annual Session (Minneapolis, MN)

National leaders must participate fully (whether it be virtual or in-person) in council business via email, meet deadlines, and attend all council calls. In the event of a prior conflict with any of the required meetings listed above, please contact the Executive Committee.

Funding for required in-person meetings includes: transportation to/from meetings, meals, hotel accommodations, a per diem based on the length of the meeting and reimbursement for baggage fees.

Strategic oversight 

  • Monitors ASDA strategic plan goals. 
  • Relays dental student issues or concerns from district.
  • Builds relationships with leaders in organized dentistry. 

Financial oversight

  • Approves association budget.
  • Reviews quarterly financial reports and monitors progress. 

Council and committee oversight

  • Serves on councils and committees as assigned.
  • Monitors the work of councils and committees. 
  • Approves new council or committee initiatives. 
  • Appoints national leaders. 

District management 

  • Communicates national ASDA strategic goals, initiatives, resources and news.
  • Serves as district chair and conducts election for successor.
  • Creates and manages district cabinet.
  • Executes a district meeting.
  • Maintains district governing documents.

Chapter management

  • May attend chapter meetings or conference calls to support chapters as needed. 
  • Prepares chapter members for national ASDA meetings.
  • Mentors potential leaders.
  • Assists with predental recruiting efforts and initiatives.