The Council on Membership assesses and develops resources that meet the needs of ASDA’s members and chapters. The council assists chapters and trustees with membership initiatives.

The council comprises one Chair, two Council Associates, one AS/IDP Associate, and two Board Liaisons.

  • The council chair supervises and directs the activities of the council and facilitates council meetings. 
  • Council associates serve as members of a council and participate in all council activities.

2024-25 Council on Membership

  • Council Chair: Brynn Gwartzman, Columbia ‘25
  • Council Associate: Issa Elabed, Pennsylvania ‘26
  • Council Associate: Max Prince, Boston ‘25
  • Council on Membership Associate AS/IDP: Sonaj Vardhaman, Columbia ‘25
  • Board Liaison: Mollie Falchook, Michigan ’25
  • Board Liaison: Payal Patel, Arizona ’26
  • Staff liaison: Sarah Murphy
  • Staff liaison: Kylie Weller
Required meetings for Council on Membership Chair 
Required meetings for Council on Membership Associates 
Required meetings for Council on Membership Associate AS/IDP 
Position Descriptions

Council on Membership Chair

Term Length: Annual Session 2025 - Annual Session 2026

Eligibility Requirements

  1. Must be an active predoctoral member at the time of application and throughout the term of office.
  2. Must be able to attend all required meetings and conference calls when necessary.
  3. Will complete projects or resolutions assigned by the House of Delegates or Board of Trustees.
  4. Must be able to complete assignments and responsibilities by established deadlines.
  5. Experience serving on the Council on Membership is strongly preferred.

Estimated Time Commitment
Estimated time commitment is 6 hours/month which includes council calls and action items. Certain months may require more time such as those to review Gold Crown applications, Membership Outreach Grant applications, and the ASDA Fever challenge.

Please refer to the PDF schedule listed above for all required meetings for the Council on Membership Chair. 



  • Assists in developing new virtual resources and benefits for chapters to use in recruitment and retention efforts.
  • Awards the Membership Outreach Grant.
  • Awards the Gold Crown Awards.
  • Awards the ASDA Fever Week Challenge.

Council management

  • Supervises the activities of the Council on Membership.
  • Approves all council meeting agendas and minutes.
  • Mentors council associates.
  • Assists with orientation and transition of new council members.

Council on Membership Associate

Term Length: Annual Session 2025 - Annual Session 2026

Eligibility Requirements

  1. Must be an active predoctoral member at the time of application and throughout the term of office.
  2. Must be able to attend all required meetings and conference calls when necessary.
  3. Will complete projects or resolutions assigned by the House of Delegates or Board of Trustees.
  4. Must be able to complete assignments and responsibilities by established deadlines.

Estimated Time Commitment
Estimated time commitment is 5 hours/month which includes council calls and action items. Certain months may require additional time such as those to review Gold Crown applications, Membership Outreach Grant applications, and the ASDA Fever challenge.

Please refer to the PDF schedule listed above for all required meetings for Council on Membership Associates.



  • Assists in developing new virtual resources and benefits for chapters to use in recruitment and retention efforts.
  • Awards the Membership Outreach Grant.
  • Awards the Gold Crown Awards.
  • Awards the ASDA Fever Week Challenge


Council on Membership Associate AS/IDP

Term Length: Annual Session 2025 - Annual Session 2026

Eligibility Requirements

  1. Must be an active predoctoral member at the time of application and throughout the term of office.
  2. Must be able to attend all required meetings and conference calls when necessary.
  3. Will complete projects or resolutions assigned by the House of Delegates or Board of Trustees.
  4. Must be able to complete assignments and responsibilities by established deadlines.

Estimated Time Commitment
Please refer to the PDF schedule listed above for all required meetings for the Council on Membership Associate AS/IDP.

Ensure the AS/IDP member population has a voice in ASDA leadership.


  • Assists in developing resources and benefits for chapters to use in recruitment and retention efforts.
  • Awards the Membership Outreach Grant.
  • Awards the Gold Crown Awards
  • Awards the ASDA Fever Week Challenge