The Council on Advocacy represents the interests of dental students on legislative and regulatory issues that impact the dental profession. The council launches grassroots initiatives to promote action-oriented advocacy in support of dental students and the patients they serve.

The council comprises one Chair, five Legislative Coordinators, two Board of Trustees liaisons, and one Executive Committee representative.

  • The council chair supervises and directs the activities of the council and facilitates council meetings. 
  • Legislative coordinators (LCs) work by the direction of the chair of the Council on Advocacy. They represent the chapters in their region and guide chapters on grassroots activities such as state lobby days, ADPAC drives and email campaigns.

New this year: to align with ASDA’s redistricting efforts, the legislative regions have been modified to reflect the new district structure. Legislative Coordinators will now be grouped into the following districts:

  • Districts 1-3
  • Districts 4-5
  • Districts 6-7
  • Districts 8-10
  • Districts 11-13

Check out the new district map to determine your legislative region.

2024-25 Council on Advocacy

  • Council chair: Bree Zhang, Columbia ‘26
  • Legislative Coordinator, Districts 1-3: Natalie Ingram, Tufts ‘26
  • Legislative Coordinator, Districts 4&5: Megan Davis, Louisiana ‘26
  • Legislative Coordinator, Districts 6&7: Jonathan Koby, Marquette ‘26
  • Legislative Coordinator, Districts 8&9: Mira Lavallee, Texas-San Antonio ‘26
  • Legislative Coordinator, Districts 10&11: Kendall Block, Utah ‘25
  • Vice President: Tareina Rogers, Tufts ‘25
  • Board Liaison: Jake Cantrell, Harvard ’25
  • Board Liaison: Darius Warner, Indiana ’26
  • Staff Liaison: Stephanie Follett
  • Staff Liaison: Libbey Detcher
Required meetings for Council on Advocacy Chair
Required meetings for Legislative Coordinators
Position Descriptions

Council on Advocacy Chair

Term Length: Annual Session 2025 – Annual Session 2026

Eligibility Requirements

  1. Must be an active predoctoral member at the time of application and throughout the term of office.
  2. Must be able to attend all required meetings and conference calls when necessary.
  3. Will complete projects or resolutions assigned by the House of Delegates or Board of Trustees.
  4. Must be able to complete assignments and responsibilities by established deadlines.
  5. Experience serving on the Council on Advocacy is strongly preferred.

Estimated Time Commitment
Estimated time commitment is 5 hours/month which includes council calls and action items. Certain months may require more time such as for Advocacy Month, and reviewing Legislative Grassroots Network grant applications.

Required Meetings
Please refer to the PDF schedule listed above for all required meetings for the Council on Advocacy Chair.

Legislative strategy

  • Provides oversight on strategic advocacy initiatives.

Advocacy engagement strategy

  • Works closely with staff to establish virtual advocacy initiatives.
  • Provides advocacy resources at the chapter, district and national levels. 
  • Oversees Advocacy Month.

Council management

  • Supervises the activities of the Council on Advocacy.
  • Approves all council meeting agendas and minutes.
  • Mentors Legislative Coordinators.
  • Assists with orientation and transition of new council members.

Legislative Coordinator

Term Length: Annual Session 2025 – Annual Session 2026
Eligibility Requirements

  1. Must be an active predoctoral member at the time of application and throughout the term of office.
  2. Must be able to attend all required meetings and conference calls when necessary.
  3. Will complete projects or resolutions assigned by the House of Delegates or Board of Trustees.
  4. Must be able to complete assignments and responsibilities by established deadlines.

Estimated Time Commitment
Estimated time commitment is 4 hours/month which includes council calls and action items. Certain months may require more time such as for Advocacy Month, and reviewing Legislative Grassroots Network grant applications.

New this year: to align with ASDA’s redistricting efforts, the legislative regions have been modified to reflect the new district structure. Legislative Coordinators will now be grouped into the following districts:

  • Districts 1-3
  • Districts 4-5
  • Districts 6-7
  • Districts 8-10
  • Districts 11-13

Check out the new district map.

Required Meetings
Please refer to the PDF schedule listed above for all required meetings for the Legislative Coordinators.


Legislative strategy

  • Provides oversight on strategic advocacy initiatives.

Advocacy engagement strategy

  • Works closely with staff to establish virtual advocacy initiatives.
  • Provides advocacy resources at the chapter, district and national levels. 
  • Oversees Advocacy Month.

Regional management

  • Serves as regional advocacy liaison to provide leadership and support to the chapter and district legislative liaisons.
  • Communicates regularly with chapter legislative liaisons to provide oversight on chapter goals. 
  • Informs district trustees and district legislative liaisons of advocacy initiatives within region.
  • Maintains contact information for chapter legislative liaisons.


Annual Report
2023-24 Council on Advocacy Annual Report