Sophia M. Acosta Avilés


Hometown: Guánica, Puerto Rico

Chapter: Ponce Health Sciences University

Graduation Year: 2028

Position Held At Chapter: President


How has ASDA helped you build your leadership skills?
ASDA has been instrumental in shaping my leadership skills, both as a pre-dental student and now as a first-year dental student leading my chapter through its formative years. During my pre-dental years, ASDA provided me with exposure to organized dentistry and professional development through the activities coordinated by the University of Puerto Rico chapter, which back then was the only chapter in Puerto Rico.

Now, as the founding president of my chapter at Ponce Health Sciences University, one of the brand-new dental schools in Puerto Rico, I have faced the unique challenge of building a strong foundation that can withstand the trials of time, albeit with amendments when necessary. ASDA has given me the tools, resources, and national network to navigate these early stages, helping me develop skills in organization, delegation, and communication. Furthermore, leading a new chapter requires adaptability, problem-solving, an amazing board of directors, and the ability to inspire my peers to engage with ASDA. I want to take this moment to recognize my board of directors because, without their help and commitment, our chapter would still be on “training wheels”. Ultimately, ASDA has not only given me the confidence to lead but has also reinforced my commitment to shaping the future dental students at my school and beyond.

What do you think is the most vital quality in a leader?
I believe that the most vital quality in a leader is their ability to actively listen. Leadership isn’t just about making decisions – it is about understanding the needs, concerns, and ideas of those you are leading. A leader who actively listens fosters collaboration, making sure that every voice is heard and valued. For me, a leader building a new ASDA chapter, it is especially important to make sure I create an inclusive environment where members feel empowered to contribute to their chapter. It is important to ensure that decisions aren’t made in a “my way or the highway” manner, but rather through teamwork and collective input from the board and members. Lastly, a very important person in my life once told me that “a great leader doesn’t have all the answers, but they know how to listen, adapt, and collaborate”.

Why should members get involved with ASDA leadership positions?
Members should get involved with ASDA leadership positions because they provide excellent opportunities to grow personally and professionally. Leadership positions help develop essential skills such as communication, teamwork, and problem-solving – all of which are indispensable qualities for both dental school and clinical practice. ASDA leadership provides a national network of peers across the United States and Puerto Rico who share similar goals and challenges; furthermore, it provides support and opens doors for mentorship, collaboration, and advocacy opportunities. I consider it a great honor to be able to hold a leadership position in ASDA as early as a first-year dental student, and I thank my colleagues for placing such trust in me. I urge every ASDA member who is considering applying for a leadership position to take the plunge as it brings amazing opportunities as I learned during Annual Session 2025 in Kansas City, Missouri.

What future leadership roles in organized dentistry interest you and why?
Annual Session 2025 multiplied my ASDA Fever tenfold and inspired me to pursue a role beyond the chapter level, where I can continue making an impact on a larger scale. I am particularly interested in becoming involved with my district, District 5. During the Annual Session, I learned that district leaders serve as the direct line of communication between the chapter and national levels, ensuring that ideas, concerns, and initiatives flow effectively between all levels of ASDA. I found this role exciting because it allows for both big-picture thinking and hands-on collaboration with local chapters. As a current leader of my local chapter, I have firsthand experience with the challenges and needs we face, and stepping into a district leadership position will empower me to support other chapters, share ideas, and elevate ASDA’s presence in our region more than it already is.