How has ASDA helped you build your leadership skills?
ASDA has helped me to build my leadership skills in many ways. I have been able to improve my communication skills by being in constant contact with students from my school, other schools in the district, and administration. It has allowed me to analyze how other people lead and communicate so that I can form my own style of leadership that I think is most effective. The resources offered by ASDA such as the conferences, virtual leadership calls, and serving on committees has exposed me to unique team settings and has expanded my network that has led me to build my leadership skills.
What do you think is the most vital quality in a leader?
The most vital quality in a leader is to be adaptable. Things may not always go according to plan or your idea may not be the best one in the group. It is important to hear everyone out and shift your gameplan to get the best possible result you are working towards.
Why should members get involved with ASDA leadership positions?
They are a great way to be introduced to organized dentistry and do something outside of the classroom. Leadership positions give you an opportunity to hone in on certain soft skills that will help propel your career after dental school. You gain experience attending conferences, representing a larger organization and your school, and have the opportunity to collaborate with students not only from your school, but from across the country.
What future leadership roles in organized dentistry interest you and why?
I am interested in becoming involved in my local chapter of organized dentistry as well as the state society of wherever I end up practicing. It will be a great way to meet other dentists in the area and form a network so that we can all be informed about the issues that affect the communities in which we practice in.