How has ASDA helped you build your leadership skills? ASDA has helped me become a better leader. Before ASDA, my mindset was often, “my way or the highway.” Now, I have learned to accept that others’ methods of completing tasks are often better than my own.
What do you think is the most vital quality in a leader? The most vital quality in a leader is compassion. Others work better when they know you appreciate them and the work they are doing.
Why should members get involved with ASDA leadership positions? Being a leader in ASDA is different than in undergraduate universities. You are firsthand helping to shape the way dentistry impacts patients and workers alike. Helping to lead an organization with so much impact is rewarding and offers great talking points for future interviews when looking for a job.
What future leadership roles in organized denstiry interest you and why? I would love to become more involved in ASDA at the national level, as well as an integral part of the Greater Houston Dental Society. I see the way this society gives back to my dental school, and I want to help offer support to future dental students.