Resolved, that ASDA’s Standing Rules of the House of Delegates, Section 2. Organization of the House of Delegates, B. ‘Seating’ be amended to read as follows:
Delegates are seated on the House floor by chapter and district. Trustees are seated on the House floor with the delegates from their respective districts. The Executive Committee is seated on the front stage with the speaker and secretary of the House (executive director). Invited guests and council chairs are traditionally seated at the back of the House floor. Alternate delegates and other staff members and guests are traditionally seated behind the House floor.
The secretary and staff shall arrange for the seating of delegations in the House of Delegates.following district numeric order, provided that in each successive year the first set of delegations comprising a district will be returned to the end of the list for the next Annual Session. The seating chart rotates on an annual basis to promote fairness.