The Governance Work Group (GWG) agreed that candidates for Speaker of the House should have past national ASDA leadership experience. The speaker role is vital to the association as this leader oversees the House of Delegates and serves on the Board of Trustees. The GWG believes past experience in national leadership equips candidates to be effective in this role; therefore, be it
Resolved, that the Standing Rules of the House of Delegates, Section 11. Officer Position Descriptions, Speaker of the House, be amended to read as follows:
Presides over all House of Delegates meetings and instructs delegates about parliamentary procedures. Reviews governance documents annually and serves as a resource for parliamentary procedures. Serves as an
ex-officio non-voting member of the Board of Trustees, which oversees all association activities, approves the annual budget and develops the association strategic plan. Responsible for acting on all resolutions adopted by the House of Delegates.
It is highly encouraged that an applicant has served at least one year in a national leadership position.
- Must be an active predoctoral member at the time of application and throughout the term of office.
- Must be able to attend all required meetings.
- Must be able to complete assignments and responsibilities by established deadlines.
- Presides over all House of Delegates meetings.
- Instructs delegates about the rules and procedures of the House of Delegates.
- Informs delegates and members of the association about the actions taken in fulfillment of the directives of the resolutions adopted by the House of Delegates.
- Determines the order of business for each House of Delegates meeting.
- Appoints and coordinates reference committees and delegate reviewers at the House of Delegates.
- Coordinates Executive Committee and speaker elections at Annual Session.
- Serves on the Governance Work Group of the Board of Trustees.
- Reads all meeting materials sent in advance.
- Submits post-meeting reports when representing ASDA at outside meetings.
- Provides content for association publications and media as requested.
- All Board of Trustees meetings
- Spring and fall leadership meetings
- National leadership conference
- ASDA Annual Session held at the end of term
- May attend parliamentary procedure training, such as AIP Practicum
- Outside meetings as assigned by the president