Amendment to Current Statements of Position or Policy ‘A-9 Study Time for National Board Dental Examinations’

Resolution 200-2019 — Adopted
2018-19 Governance Committee
Financial Impact
The Governance Committee removed reference to the National Board Dental Examination Parts 1 and 2 in light of the anticipated rollout of the Integrated National Board Dental Examination (INBDE) in 2020. The committee wants to ensure that all students, regardless of which examination they take during the two year rollout phase of the INBDE, will be provided an adequate amount of time off from school to prepare; therefore, be it 
Resolved, that ASDA’s Current Statements of Position or Policy ‘A-9 Study Time for National Board Dental Examinations (2000, revised 2002, 2012)’ be amended to read:

The American Student Dental Association encourages the administrators of all U.S. CODA-accredited dental schools to provide students an adequate amount of time off from school to prepare for national board dental examinations the National Board Dental Examination Part I (NBDE1) and National Board Dental Examination Part II (NBDE2) that includes, but is not limited to, an exam-free window before and after the boards.