Amendment to Current Statements of Position and Policy ‘E-10 Freedom to Invite Vendors/Speakers’

Resolution 407-2018 — Adopted
2017-18 Governance Work Group
Financial Impact
The Governance Work Group (GWG) agreed to amend this policy to reflect the entire scope of work student leaders have with vendors; therefore, be it
Resolved, that ASDA’s Current Statements of Position or Policy ‘E-10 Freedom to Invite Vendors/Speakers (2000, revised 2012)’ be amended to read as follows:

The American Student Dental Association encourages the administrators of all U.S. CODA-accredited dental schools to grant ASDA leaders the autonomy to select and invite dental supply companies and speakers to visit their school and implement programming in order to heighten their knowledge and broaden their exposure to dental products prior to venturing into dental practice.