As an ASDA member, you’ll gain access to member benefits that help you succeed in school and your career. If you are not yet an ASDA member, join here.
ASDA protects and advances the rights and interests of members. Get informed on the issues impacting the profession and ways you can advocate for change.
ASDA's programs and events, whether in person or virtual, offer an opportunity for members to learn, get involved, and engage at the local and national levels.
Use your ASDA membership to get a discount! ASDA has collaborated with businesses and organizations to offer our members discounts and deals to make life a little more affordable while in dental school. We’ve got some great deals for you. Bookmark the page today!
Hear past ASDA members share how they’ve navigated from dental students to successful clinicians, business owners, advocates, department heads, and c-suite officers – and all the roles in between. Listen now!
Predoctoral and international dental student members of ASDA also become student members of the ADA!